When Science and Faith(Emunah) Unite

Thanks to a very generous gift from our friends at the Living Legacy Foundation, the Emunah Beit Elisheva High School has been able to renovate and upgrade their outdated Science Labs.

The school, located in the city of Pardes Hannah, has an enrollment of 481 female students. Offering academic tracks in the arts, sciences, maths and technologies, the outdated labs and antiquated science equipment was a tremendous drawback to the school’s ability to offer quality STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) classes and programs. Now, the labs are equipped with the most modern, state of the art equipment and technology, providing the students and teachers a serious academic learning environment.

Students from all over Israel attend the Emunah Beit Elisheva High School, enrolling in its programs due to its reputation for excellence and focus on the individual students’ needs, not only  academically but socially and emotionally, as well.

Most recently, the school has been rated as one of the seven best religious high schools in Israel!

As stated by the school’s principal, Ms. Yael Dokow: “Though many of the  students that attend the Emunah Beit Elisheva School come from disadvantaged backgrounds and may have previously struggled academically, they come to Beit Elisheva and are given individual attention and academic support that enables each student to achieve their goals and succeed in school. The science program is a critical component for future success, enabling our girls to attend university and gain employment in the biomedical, engineering and technology fields, should that be their goal. The gift from the Living Legacy Foundation has been a true blessing, enabling us to renovate the labs with the best  science equipment and resources available.”

Mr. Richard Hutchinson, Jr. from the Living Legacy Foundation exclaimed,  “Praise be to G-d for what is being done! It is our pleasure to help support Emunah and the people of Israel, especially its youth.” 

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