Summer Fun Having a Blast!

Yes, the summer is coming to an end – but, thanks to our many friends and supporters, the children and staff at numerous of our EMUNAH Residential Homes were able to enjoy days filled with fun at local amusement parks, beach visits, boating and even a carnival filled with “foam”! This summer will never be forgotten as hundreds of children residing at the EMUNAH Achuzat Sara, Afula and Neve Landy Children’s Homes had a chance to “just be kids” and put the reality of war behind them. Thank you for making this possible!
Happiness shared by some of our children: “I dared to ride the Anaconda – the scariest ride in the [Superland] park, it was great!” Ari exclaimed with a huge smile on his face!
Another child who climbed the “climbing walls” at Magic Kass shared, “I climbed the walls 5 times – like spiderman!”
A boy from the EMUNAH Afula Home who participated in the Kinneret Boat Ride stated, “We have never taken a Boat Ride. This was awesome! Can we do it again!?”

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