NRB 2024 – A Week to Remember!

This year’s National Religious Broadcasting Conference (NRB) took place the week of February 19-22 in Nashville Tennessee, USA. Attended by over 4,000 of the world’s largest Christian media outlets and organizations, Israel was on everyone’s mind.

World Emunah’s Director of Interfaith Relations, Ruth Guggenheim and her Christian Ambassador team, Melissa and Stephen Briggs along with Pastor Mark Jenkins, participated in the event helping to raise awareness of the life transforming work of Emunah on behalf of the children and families of Israel, especially during this exceptionally difficult and trying time.

In addition to meeting and networking with dozens of Christian world leaders, Ruth was interviewed by numerous Christian media outlets and well-known personalities, including Salem Media, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Proclaim Justice Amongst the Nations and the ICEJ (International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem).

The week started off with an inspirational dinner party to ‘Honor Israel’ held at the Briggs family home. Participants included children and adults. The sincere love, prayers, and desire to help Israel was repeated throughout the week.

Emunah also participated in a private Shabbaton at the Sharet Yisroel Synagogue of Nashville.

Many new friendships have been formed on behalf of Emunah and the people of Israel!

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