Hadassah Green an American in Israel

Meet Hadassah Green, the newest Bat Sherut/National Service girl at EMUNAH Israel’s Residential Home in the northern city of Afula. Her story and journey to Israel fills us with hope, especially during these very difficult times! Hadassah was born and raised in New Jersey, and ever since she was a little girl, she dreamed of making aliyah (moving) to Israel.


As the years passed Hadassah came to a decision – when she graduates high school, she will make the leap!


During twelfth grade, she researched national volunteer service options for herself remotely. She interviewed for positions on Zoom at night and still managed to do her school work and get to school on time in the morning.

Hadassah came to Israel by herself in August 2023 – two months before the war broke out.

She began her national service in a special education kindergarten in Jerusalem. Over the course of the last year Hadassah worked with evacuated families,while studying Hebrew. Hadassah’s passion and commitment to serve the people of Israel inspired her family so much that they too made Aliyah in the past year!


Luckily for us, this year Hadassah is doing her second year of national service at EMUNAH Afula Children’s Home. Hadassah already has plans for her future. Next year she plans to continue working at the children’s home and to begin her academic studies – she’s debating between social work and special education.

Thank You Hadassah – You are a true inspiration to ALL of us, especially to the new Olim (immigrants) in our community!

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