Emunah Israel Family Counseling and Therapy Centers
Hours of therapies a year
Therapists throughout Israel
The Sarah Ronson Counseling Center in Sderot
The Sarah Ronson Counselling Centre was established to provide vital counselling and therapeutic support to the people in Sderot and surrounding areas, close to the Gaza border. The Director Tami Beck and her professional staff support adults, children, families and couples many of whom are dealing with post traumatic stress disorder and paralysing anxiety.
The Emunah Beit Bondt Counseling Center in Netivot
The Emunah Beit Bondt Counseling Center in Netivot provides the local community with the tools they need to deal with the personal challenges of life. Many are affected by the conflict with Gaza and suffer with long term trauma. The center provides counseling services at subsidized costs to individuals, couples, families and children.

Your donations are helping us make an impact!
Be blessed by helping us reach more children and families in need.

When the pain is real and healing is needed, EMUNAH’s Therapy and Counseling Centers offer the guidance, professionalism and support to help those in crisis overcome life’s challenges and find safety and healing.

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Proverbs 11:14

Turn your Faith into Action by being a part of God’s Plan: Your Support and Blessings WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE for an individual or family in crisis.