EMUNAH Celebrates Our Bar and Bat Mitzvah Children!

EMUNAH Celebrates Our Bar and Bat Mitzvah Children!

Over the past two weeks, children residing in EMUNAH Residential Homes have been celebrating their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs (“coming of age” ceremonies) with joy and a sense of history and purpose. Just before Yom Yerushalayim, the Bnei (boys) and Bnot (girls) Mitzvah of EMUNAH Afula Children’s Center took a trip to Jerusalem, where they were greeted by students from Himmelfarb High School – a religious boys high school in Jerusalem. Together, they took a journey through the Old City, singing and dancing their way to the Kotel for a celebratory prayer service/’davening’ and meal. Later on they took a tour of the Kotel (Western Wall) tunnels and the Machane Yehuda outdoor market.

The Bnei and Bnot Mitzvah children living in the EMUNAH Neve Michael Children’s Village also went to Jerusalem just before the holiday of Shavuot to celebrate! They took a special tour of the Old City and prayed/davened together at the Kotel. It was a beautiful experience that connected the children with their roots, and brought new meaning to the idea of what it means to be a Ben or Bat Mitzvah and a part of Am Yisrael.

Mazal Tov – Congratulations to all the children!

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