EMUNAH Supports Women, Join Us – International Women’s Day

In light of the UN report that acknowledged the severe incidents of sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on October 7, Jewish woman around the world unite on International Women’s Day to declare: “We Believe You.”

A special video produced by the organization Emunah, including the participation of women from the United States, Canada, Australia, Switzerland and other places. Jewish women from around the world came together to cry out and make their voices heard, with the goal of encouraging women everywhere to take part in the battle against Hamas, and to sign the international women’s petition – “We will not remain silent in the face of violence against women.”

“To all the women who suffered violence on October 7 and thereafter, we believe you, and we believe in you! We believe that we must not remain silent. We believe that we have the strength to support each other and to be strengthened. We believe that together we can heal. We believe that as women of faith, we must speak on behalf of the Jewish nation. We believe that Jewish women have human rights that must be preserved. We believe that together we are family. We believe that with G-d’s help, our children will have a peaceful future. We believe that the power to change is in our hands. We believe that things must be fixed. We believe that our cry will be heard. We believe that it is our moral responsibility to act and to influence. We believe, with perfect faith, that you, I, all of us together, will win!”

Emunah Chairman Yifat Sela: “International Women’s Day, which originally was intended to acknowledge women’s accomplishments, this year is also a sad day. We were shocked and disappointed by women’s organizations world-wide, who not only did not show female solidarity, but their attitude emphasized the absence of legitimacy and the lack of sympathy for Jewish and Israeli women. On this day we, religious Zionist women from all over the world, cry out our sisters’ cry – we are with you! We will not rest and will not remain silent until your voices are heard in every place around the globe.”

If you too believe, join us on the world journey of Emunah – make your voice heard, and sign the international women’s petition – ‘We will not remain silent in the face of abuse of women ’


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