EMUNAH Doing it Right: A Healthy Future Begins Now

EMUNAH Doing it Right: A Healthy Future Begins Now! 


In an innovative and very progressive move to ensure the long term well-being of the children in our care, EMUNAH has undertaken a complete overhaul of its food menus in over 110 Day Care Centers around the country. Recognizing that most Centers provided foods high in sugar, white flour, overly processed  with “empty calories” and excessive salt, Israel nutritionist Neta Amiri worked with the staff of EMUNAH Centers to revamp its entire food program. Recently launched, the menus now include more fruits and vegetables, legumes, and only whole grain breads and cereals. 

The Centers care for over 6,000 infants and toddlers between three months and three years in age on a daily basis. These Centers play a significant role in supporting families in need, providing quality subsidized day care services, support and resources so parents (often low-income, marginalized single mothers) get the assistance they need to either go to school to gain employable skills, or go to work, with the knowledge that their children are being cared for in their absence. 

To ensure long term health benefits and enhance the overall impact the new food program will have on the children, each parent has received a CookBook with the new recipes and nutritional guides. This is in addition to those parents in the EMUNAH Family Intervention Centers who already receive ongoing cooking and food preparation classes as a part of the ongoing Parenting Workshops provided at 11 of our speciality centers.

The decision to switch to a menu of healthy recipes stems first and foremost from the [desire] to ensure the personal health of toddlers [children] in our care. This is the priority. Today, we are aware of the critical importance of eating healthy, nutritious food from an early stage, thus, impacting the health of children and adults later in life.” exclaimed  Yifat Sela, newly appointed Chairperson of EMUNAH Israel.

“I (God) have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food.” Bereshet/Genesis 1:29

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