Children are a gift from God; they are a reward from Him.” Psalm 127:3 – 3

When they arrived at Emunah’s Teen Crisis Center, their trauma was visible in their young faces and haunted eyes…

Sisters Leah, Rebekah, and Esther, came to the Emunah Girl’s Crisis Center after being rescued from a cult. The head of the cult believed he was the Messiah and had seven wives and dozens of children. These children suffered from sexual abuse, physical beatings, electric shocks, and food deprivation.

They had been rescued from the cult, but not before they could do severe damage to their bodies, minds, and spirits. They wouldn’t eat, and they wouldn’t look anyone in the eye when they talked. They couldn’t sleep at night without waking up screaming from nightmares.

Emunah’s professional staff at the Center consists of a team of social workers, psychologists, teachers, and counselors. They are highly skilled and dedicated to our girls’ emotional and physical well-being. They are on their way to helping but have a long way to go, and we are committed to walking that journey with them.

We are currently raising funds to house the next ten girls that come to us. Your donation will provide an abused girl with a safe place to sleep, a loving staff to care for her, basic needs like food and clothing, extensive therapy and counseling, academic programs, and, if necessary, legal counsel.

Our goal: Sponsor 10 Girls – $5000 per girl covers up to a six month stay with intensive therapy, ongoing academic programs and legal aide services, helping them to heal and move toward a long-term solution, which often includes placement in an Emunah Home so she can continue her healing journey.

Matched dollar for dollar through #GIVINGTUESDAY

Will you sponsor a hurting girl today?  https://www.emunahangels.org/donate/

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